4. Discussion

From the data collected, it is seen that our filter is effective in lowering the smoke level as seen in Graph 1.2. From Graph 1.2, it is seen that there is a considerable drop of roughly 20-30 in sensor reading. This proves to show that the filter is working. However, smoke is still visible after the air has passed through our filter, thus showing that our filter could still be improved, making it such that  no visible smoke can be seen exiting our filter

However, for our filter, it managed to show a difference in smoke intensity when there was smoke and no smoke. Our filter is successful as it manages to maintain a stable reading throughout our testing, thus making it rather reliable during the gathering of our results.When there was no smoke, the sensor gave a reading of 123 to 127 and when there was smoke, the sensor gave a reading of 63 to 76. This proves that our sensor works.

The sensor gives a reading of 123 to 127 when there is no smoke and gives a reading of 63-76 when there is smoke. What we aimed for was to get a differnce is sensor reading when there was smoke and when there was no smoke. We got what we aimed for, thus proving that our sensor works. We are able to use the smoke detector by knowing that a sensor 127 means that the air is clean and that a sensor reading of 63 means that the air is dirty or full of smoke and, or pollutants. So to conclude for the sensor, a high sensor reading means that the air is clean and a low sensor reading means that the air is polluted.

For the filter, we let smoke run through it and checked the reading of the air which exited the smoke. Thus, we are able to see if there is a difference in sensor reading if we used our filter and if we did not. When we did use our filter, the sensor reading rose by 20 to 30. A rise in reading signifies cleaner and more purified air, thus meaning that our sensor was able to clean and purify air to a certain extent.

From the our data we have gotten, we can conclude that our engineering goal, “Development of an air quality sensor and air purifier”, was a topic which was of just the right scope and was not too wide and too small for us to handle. Our topic requires us to make an air quality sensor which would be able to detect the difference in air when there is smoke and when there is no smoke and also give different readings whenever it senses the difference in air quality. Our final product for the air sensor works, due to the fact that it can do whatever is required which is to give a different reading when there is a different air quality. For the air filter, our topic requires us to create a filter to make the surrounding air have a better quality and to be more purified. To know that the filter is working, there must be a change of sensor reading whenever the purifier is used. Our final product for the air purifier was working since the air purifier we made was able to produce a change of reading from the sensor, which was making the value of the sensor reading to become greater which what we wanted. Therefore, from the data we have gotten, we can conclude that our system works.

Firstly, our group can improve on our data collection. For data collection, we could have done in a set location where there were no disturbances. When we collected data, we did it in a place where anyone could access easily, thus it might hinder in the data collection process. We could have conducted the data collection in a closed room where only certain people could enter and access.

Secondly, our group could have improved in the instruments we used. For example, we could have used a sharper pen knife or even a saw, because when cutting out the materials, the cuts were rather rough and we could also have been quicker if we had better instruments to cut our materials. Also, we could have used better materials to make the sensor and our filter. With better materials we could have made the filter and sensor more sturdy and durable.

Thirdly, my group could have tested out or filter and sensor on different types of gas where the visibility in each gas would differ. With a wider range of gas, we would have been able to see if there would be a difference in reading and whether the filter would work better in certain gases.If given the time, testing out on different gases would help in making our data more accurate and more reliable.

Fourthly, we could improve in our method by somehow making sure that we did all the steps as similarly as possible. This would help in making sure that the data is constant and reliable, making our results more accurate.

Lastly, we could improve on our analysis of results by repeating our tests a few more times just to make sure that our data is reliable. Also, when analysing, a large number of tests would mean that there would be a more wider range of data, thus making sure that whatever data which we have would be as reliable as possible.

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